Tuesday, May 24, 2011

To Do List....

I am Utah bound... even though it will only be for a short visit, there will be numerous events that are being crammed into the span of 5 days. Pedicures with the sister and s.i.l, family photos, mucho trips to Cafe Rio, smooches on little nieces and nephews chubby cheeks, and lots of laughs. Until I leave, I have lots of things to do. Along with the stress of packing, I think that there is some sort of small mouse-critter-like thing that has found its way into my apartment. Which is a NO GO!!! It needs to be evacuated from the premises immediately!!!


  1. Have fun! Cafe Rio sounds pretty good right about now. We haven't went in weeks!

  2. hey, if you find sanity, can i borrow some? :)
