Thursday, November 5, 2009

Think of me when you turn on your a/c!

This week is my friend Kates birthday week. Since we keep missing each other via phone, I decided to give her a blog shout out!! (I stole this pic from your blog. Kinda funny I took mine last week, they are sort of the same)Growing up we used to get super excited about fall and winter. We would pull out our hoodies and sweaters in hopes that just maybe St. George might get cold enough to be able to wear them without looking crazy. We would flip through various fashion magazines and see the models wearing their adorable winter hats and scarves all bundled up just wishing we lived somewhere that provided us with four seasons. Since Kate was older and got her license first, sometimes we would drive to Cedar City and spend the weekends with her Aunt Carolyn. That way we could get a taste of fall or winter. Sometimes a taste was all we needed. Then we could go back to the sun and jacket weather of St.George.

Well, years later, I find myself sort of living out the dream Kate and I had. No, I am not frolicking through the leaves of Central Park with a hot Ralph Lauren model. But I am experiencing the four seasons. I drive to work everyday and see people raking their leaves, secretly wishing I had my p.i.c (that would be partner in crime) Kate with me to jump in the strategically placed piles St. James residents have throughout their yard. If you know Kate, you know she would, she was always the first one to jump in the lake, no matter how cold it was.

What am I getting at, you are probably thinking? Because yes, sometimes in this blog I have a tendancy to ramble. I was recently reading an updated post from the spoken bff's blog. This is a direct quote, "I'm still eating sno-cones. It was 93 degress today..." Well Kate my darling, it was 43 degrees today, and as I type this, it is 29 degrees. So, as I am bundled up in my long underwear, scarf, gloves, hat, and coat, I have but one request....Will you please eat a sno-cone for me? Because it is only gonna get worse here, and this cold weather business is nothing like what it looks like in Harpers Bazaar!!


  1. oh meags i love you and your blog.

  2. ahh.. thanks meags.

    love that picture of you. you're gorgeous!

    i will think of you when i turn on my a.c.. because it's hot!!

  3. I LOVE your new hair color! It looks so so good on you. I love you to Kate! Eat a snow cone for me, and some birthday cake, or cup cake if you'd rather!

  4. Hey you! I love your blog. It is so fun to read all that you've been up to. I love your story about church...any cute guys? Or are they all old?! You look so cute in your Halloween costume too! Keep posting! Miss you!

  5. Meagan, Great Apartment, love the fire place. and the "Couch' HALLOWEEN LOOKED FUN! And Church sounds good! I am so glad you have at least 6 moms in RS to take care of you! We are finally having fall in St. George we had a major freeze and all the leaves fell in one day I swear, at least in my back yard. Charles is not excited it is leaf season in the Landscaping business but what can I say.
    Have a great Week! How is the new job?
