Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mount Rushmore

So, as you know, I have already made it safely to my destination. But to keep my posts exciting, I have decided to keep them separate by each stop on our trip here. We decided to squeeze in Mount Rushmore on the way here so that we could say we had seen one historical landmark on this crazy journey!

This is me with a gorilla from the UK. I guess they look a lot different over there. No, this guy was on a bus tour with his "mates" and they all took turns wearing different suits at different National Parks. I thought he needed to be famous....

This is me pointing to my new home state....there isn't really too much more to say about that one.

The mountain goats weren't really bothered by the tourists. I had a picture on here of one "relieving himself" but I thought that was a little too graffic....

And last but not least, me and mum in front of Mount Rushmore. I highly recommend a visit there. Pretty interesting stuff. You might even run into a gorilla!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for going there. I went there in 8th or 9th grade on the LONGEST family road trip of my life. Seriously. I never thought it was going to end, but looking back I'm so glad my parents made us do that! ;)
