Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Halloween....I do not heart you as much I used to....

Since when did Halloween give girls the ok to dress like (sorry mum) whores are parade around with their knickers hanging out? I loved running around as a kid and even into my teenage years picking up candy from whatever neighborhood or house my friends and I could find. Truth is, I wouldn't even eat the candy. I would trade a lot of it with my brother, then when I got older, I would give it to my dad, then stash the rest in my room. Christmas would come around and I would be tossing it out just before Santa came with my goodies from my stocking.

Now, a few days came. The dreaded invite to a Halloween party. Not that I dread the invite, just that I knew that costumes were to be the assumed attire. Of course I accepted. How could I not? Number one, there will be kareoke, that which I never turn that down. Number two, its Saturday, I'm not gonna sit here alone. No thanks. So I click to internet bff's in time of need. Google and yahoo in desperate search trying to find some sort of idea. Try clicking on adult costumes, and you either get boring, or something that looks like it should be worn in the bedroom! I would be happy going as myself in a t-shirt and jeans. But no one wants a party pooper right? Maybe if I was back in SGU, where there were numerous stores, and my dresser was full of my things, and wasn't a suitcase right now I may have more possibilities for a costume.

I guess what I am trying to say is any ideas for a quick costume? I thought of maybe goign as Wilma Flintstone. Since I already have the red hair. But I am not quite sure how to execute the rest.....


  1. wilma is still pretty skanky if you get right down to it. A witch is always easy to throw together, black dress, colorful tights and a hat. mitch and I went as a plug and an outlet one year, made it out of cardboard... I have some devil horns, wear red and there you have it... =) I say keep it simple. Mitch doesn't get to dress up this year because all of his ideas are not appropriate for the "WARD" trunk or treat. ~ good luck!


    Check out this link for some fun and silly ideas. Some are way easy to do.Good Luck!
